July 3, 2024

New Canal Fishing Book Launched

Canal Fishing Diaries - Fishing Book

I am pleased to announce the publication of my latest fishing book, Illustrated Canal Fishing Diaries

You can buy the book on Amazon.

Canal Fishing Book

Click the cover image or this link to buy on Amazon

Illustrated Canal Fishing Diaries chronicles my rediscovery and rekindled passion for canal fishing. It follows my first year of touring stretches of my local canals, the Leeds & Liverpool, and Lancaster Canals.

As you will see in the pages of this book, there have been many pleasant surprises: unexpected species, quality fish, and excellent sport while employing simple, traditional tactics and low-cost baits.

Anglers frequently ignore canals, despite the fact that they are excellent fishing spots with miles of untapped potential.

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What’s in the book?

The book covers my last twelve months fishing my local canals, using a variety of techniques and baits. Each chapter explains the conditions, techniques, baits used and species caught.

The book is filled with photographs.

Try Canal Fishing

The final section of the book provides you with lots of useful information about getting started with canal fishing.

I hope this book encourages you to try canal fishing. If you do, you will not be disappointed.

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